ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK

ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK
ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK
Free Download ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK, software ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK direct download free, ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK is Office software free download. Did you know the translation of the texts in newspapers, magazines and other reading is much easier than you would have thought?
Using ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator software can convert your Android device camera to a powerful interpreter. The program they could take pictures of the printed texts using OCR technology to convert digital data and translate them into any language you want. So to get your translated text with just a few clicks away and you can use them after translation by email or SMS share.
Note Do not included in this app is the ability to recognize English words, but in the translation can put out on this sweet language.

Version 1. 12:

Compatibility with Android 5

Direct Download Free APK
ABBYY TextGrabber + Translator v1.12 APK

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